Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Door Within

I am a great fan of the door within trilogy, this blog is just for fans and anyone who has "positive" comments about the books and Wayne. :-)


Anonymous said...

I love those books! I'm half way through the last one *sniff* but they're awesome!
My favorites, next to Tolkien! (I'm a big LOTR fan).
I like Bolt, Nock, Mallik and Antoinette. :)

Unknown said...

They're awesome. You guys should check out heedtheprophecies.com/theunderground or enterthedoorwithin.blogspot.com. There are some cool contests going on that you should check out.

Unknown said...

Also, there's a new book out by Wayne Thomas Batson, and his friend Christopher Hopper called Curse of the Spider King. Check that out too.

Princess Writer said...

Hey—Like your site! If you want to visit the door within wikia, I am trying to get it up and running! www.thedoorwithin.wikia.com. Thanks!